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KOKORO Interactive Oral: 3 Image 1 Question

Writer's picture: Amy BurvallAmy Burvall

For this Interactive Oral (which will prepare you for the Reflective Statement), you will be researching and presenting about a facet of Japanese culture that investigates the CONTEXT of the novel Kokoro


Be ready to present on April 18.


Design Specs:

You (and your partner, if you choose) will research the topic thoroughly, keeping track of references.

Formulate a visual and interactive presentation using just 3 images and 1 question.

The Tools:

You can create a Google presentation (and post link to blog) OR simple post the images to your blog.

The Images:

Your images should serve to guide your presentation and "add to the story" with a powerful visual (remember: pictures are worth a thousand words). If you think of what you are trying to convey as a STORY then they should be the beginning, middle, and end. Alternatively, they could represent the the 3 most important aspects of your topic.

They should be either original photographs or sketches (*created by you) OR Creative Commons images (try ). They can be literal (as in, depicting exactly the thing you are speaking about) OR metaphorical (similar to our "Imagiphor" exercise.


Your Presentation:

In your presentation you should give the overview of your findings on your researched topic, using the images to guide you. text should be limited to 1 word or phrase/ quote per slide (the images and your talk should do the work). However, the question slide should feature the entire question. If working with a partner, perhaps divide up the speaking to be one person with 2 images, and the other person with 1 image and the introduction of the question. You can both guide the class in discussion.


The "1 Question", or "Connection Question":

You will need to develop an interesting OPEN-ENDED Question that you will pose and then lead the class in a brief discussion. The question should relate to your research topic, of course, but aim for connections to our lives (this is one of the IB criteria for this topic of cultural studies).

For example, you might ask the class:

To what extent would arranged marriages be preferable and would you ever participate in one - why or why not?


(for filial piety) What are some duties and obligations we have to our parents, if any at all?


How do you feel about the issue of and attitudes towards suicide in our society?


(on ikebana) In Kokoro the Narrator identifies talent with flower arranging as part of the signs of an ideal woman - what are the attributes of an ideal woman now?


To what extent might the author's life in England contribute to his views on life and his writings?


When crafting your prompt for the class, consider tying in these IB musings:

What connections did you find between issues in the work and your own culture and experience?

What aspects of the work's technique seem connected to its particular context?

In what ways do time and place matter to this work?

What was easy to understand and what was difficult in relation to the social and cultural context and issues of the text?



Each presentation should be around 5 minutes, with the discussion following for another few minutes. Aim for the entire presentation being 10 min per group.


Keep in mind that YOU will be guiding your peers in order for everyone to develop a Reflective Statement. As you create your presentation based on the social, historical, geographical, cultural, and biographical context of Kokoro please keep the following in mind.

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