Please use the time wisely on May 2 to catch up on any outstanding assignments that should be posted to your blog. You can use this list to double check.
___Proust Questionnaire and reflection
___Journal: "I have no words"
___Journal: "Loneliness in the Modern Age"
___Journal: "Joiking - Transcending Language"
___Photo Essay: "Kokoro Noir"
___Journal: "Melancholy" (with sketchnotes)
___Journal: Peer Prompt
___Journal: "Imagiphor"
___Padlet: at least 9 posts on Kokoro Padlet (this is now closed so if you have them please email in a doc)
___Vlog 1: "My Kokoro" (on Flipgrid)
___Vlog 2: "Poetry is Personal" (on Flipgrid)
___Scent Log (10 scents)
___participation on Perfume Padlet (at least 9 posts in any category)
___your Interactive Oral presentation, Kokoro
___your Interactive Oral 1 pager and description of game, Perfume
You will also be asked later to submit your 2 Reflective Statements (Kokoro and Perfume) to a shared folder as pdf documents. More info later.