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Writer's pictureAmy Burvall

Very Superstitious

Macbeth would just not work if not for the fact that its characters were highly superstitious and gave credit to the Weird Sisters' prophesies. Some cultures (and time periods) are much more superstitious then ours...

Let's examine the origins of some...

1. Quickly investigate some of the world's superstitions using these links: (gallery)

2. On a notecard, write one of them down on the front side (i.e. The number 4 is bad luck in many Asian countries because....)

3. On the back side write the answer AND two false but believable answers (like "two truths and a lie", but this is "two lies and a truth")

4. To share, we will walk around "cocktail party style" and quiz partners so that everyone gets to share with 4 people.

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