The poster above gives a lot of clues to the story of Macbeth. There's a bloody hand, shaped and placed like a king's crown. The eyes are bloodshot, and look both tired and evil. The eyebrows seem conniving and cruel.
Above is a very famous painting of Lady Macbeth by John Singer Sargant in 1889. The woman is a real actress - Dame Ellen Terry - who inspired the painter so much with her performance of this infamous character he asked her to sit for a portrait immediately. See how he captures her crazed expression, almost as if it is a photograph?
Your Challenge
1. Explore the web for artistic representations of MacBeth. These can be artworks such as paintings and sculptures, student artistic interpretations, play posters, gifs, cartoons, stills from a film, etc. Key search words, besides "Macbeth" are "Macbeth witches", "Lady Macbeth", "Shakespeare Macbeth", "Macbeth art", "Macbeth in pop culture", etc.
2. Find at least 2 different types of artistic representations and add them to the Padlet link here (be sure to type your name as well as it will post as "anonymous"):
3. Comment on what you notice visually (colors and symbols are very important!), and consider what clues the artwork gives us about the story.